  • 1
    • 1 Access control is not ruled by user's privileges but it takes places controlling the access to interfaces. (There's a set of standard features to do this, common sessions first).
  • 2
    • 2 In the Xplode's slang the shaping is to model a field.
      fieldname.shape:{{type::boolean; full:: true;}} the field "field" is a notnull boolean.
      otherfield.shape:{{type::string.text; full:: lock; options: value, value;}} the field "otherfield" is a notnull constant string accepting only values "value" and "value2".
      onemore.shape:{{type::number.float; cast::true;}} the field "onemore" is a float, a cast is performed if the value is passed as string or as an integer
      other.shape:{{type::vector.sfc; full:: lock; sufield.shape:[...]; sufield.shape:[...];}} the field "other" is a tuple ("notnull locked vector") archived as string formatted with the standard csv format of Xplode (string formatted contents), the format is the same used now.
      test.shape:{{type::vector.zfc; sottocampo.shape:[...]; sottocampo2.shape:[...];}} the field "test" is an array stored with a common serialization.
      obj.shape:{{type::object.tfc; }} the field "obj" is a dump of the properties of an object performed in a simplified xml (tag formatted contents)
  • 3
    • 3 On Xplode™ a procedure is a runtime extension of the main instance directly into the database. Public and protected methods of a "bridge class" (read,write,request etc etc) instanced into an active object are avaliable. With procedures we can extend the feautures linking user defined or native libraries and so programming the database. Each procedure is invoked, not exclusively, by a field or by an import (extensible override of the fields in a element).
  • Xplode's slang
    • Server: a set of N indipendent databases, physically is a directory.
      Database: a set of N classes, physically is a directory.
      Class (DataClass): un set of N elements, files and stats, physically is a directory.
      Element: un set of N fields, physically is a file.
      Field: the ultimate scalar value, physically is a parsed string.
      Subfield: the sub-property of a scalar value (the field itself) parsed into a vector, commonly is the result of a field defined as pointer to an external element/class/field/procedure.
      Files: a set of files associated to an element.
      Interface: an access point to the database implementing a set of methods and working on a defined area.
      Method: a function potentially implemented by each level of data in the database and by the database itself. (But commonly methods are implemented by interfaces only).
      Pointer: a pointer to a resource of the database. Is managed by the same object leading the request. (The first pointer)

Xplode™ by Iskida Databases

Xplode™ by Iskida Databases is a data-framework conceived, developed and written by Danilo Moi.

Xplode™ was an experiment and is now an abadonware.
Many solutions, ideas, concepts used to develope later data-based projects took place with it.
Xplode's main features
- Autonoumus database management system unconnected with any application and/or existing database server.
- Non SQL proprietary structure.
- Proprietary file based storage.
- Native storage and indexing of each kind of files.
- Access control and queries accross logical interfaces.1
- Strong typed definition of fields. (shape2)
- Management of writing concurrencies at element's level. (file)
- Standard web based GUI (Grafic user Interface) extensible according the project.
- Proprietary scripting and template manager extensible through procedures3 (linking to existing or user defined libraries)

Xplode's usage
The most obvious and common purpose of Xplode™ is web developement.
Xplode is a well-versed and powerful environment for creating each kind of content management systems.